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Special Delivery resource list

National and statewide Special Delivery resource information list

The following telephone numbers and website addresses may be helpful to women who are pregnant, their families and their friends. The following website addresses and telephone numbers are provided as a service to aid you in your search for medical and health-related information.

Diabetic Store - American Diabetes Association
Offers meal planning, guide to healthy restaurant eating and diabetic education tools.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
800-762-2264, ext. 241
Offers patient education materials specific to your needs and includes information on preterm labor, postpartum depression, exercise and nutrition during pregnancy.

Arkansas Department of Health WIC Team
This helpline offers nutrition and lactation consultation as well as education provided to nursing moms.

Arkansas Childcare Resource Center
Provides list of currently licensed childcare providers in your area.

Safe Beginnings
Offers products specializing in child safety and parent education.

March of Dimes
Offers information useful in improving the health of babies by preventing birth defects and infant mortality. Includes one-on-one information provided by a specialist, Mama Magazine, information on folic acid and much more.

Share Through March of Dimes
Online community created for parents with babies in the neo-natal intensive care unit. Read message boards, ask questions, find related stories, share your own experiences, and learn how the March of Dimes is addressing problems like premature births.

Just for Dads
Provides information for fathers-to-be.

Baptist Healthline
Ask A Nurse helpline, Expressly for You breastfeeding helpline and information on childbirth and parenting classes.

Baby Center
Offers access to "Ask the Expert," pregnancy calendars, Just for Dads, consumer reports, recall alerts and great gift ideas.

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Hotline offers support and other resources to victims of abuse.

International Lactation Consultant Association
Offers a worldwide network of lactation consultants. Enter your ZIP code and you will be provided with a list of licensed lactation consultants in your area.

The Special Delivery Education Program is for health education purposes only. Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Health Advantage, BlueAdvantage Administrators of Arkansas, and Octave Blue Cross and Blue Shield do not offer medical services. You should always consult your treating physician for any medical advice or services you may need. Members are responsible for selecting providers, services or products.